On 8 February ACER will hold a stakeholder event on the methodologies and parameters to determine gas TSO revenues. The event will be held at CEER’s premises, Cours Saint-Michel 30a, 5th floor, 1040 Brussels (10.30-16.30).
The Network Code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas requires ACER to publish a report on the methodologies and parameters used to determine the allowed or target revenue of transmission system operators. The Agency has contracted Economic Consulting Associates (ECA) to assist it with this work. On behalf of ACER, ECA will present the purpose and scope of the study, the progress up to date and initial thoughts on the conceptual framework. Stakeholders will be given an opportunity to express their views. National regulators, transmission system operators and network users are encouraged to join the event.
To participate please register here by 2 February 2018 5pm.
The draft agenda for the workshop is available here.
ACER Stakeholder Event On Methodologies And Parameters To Determine Gas TSO Revenues