Mutation Clusters from Cancer Exome. (arXiv:1707.08504v1 [q-bio.GN] CROSS...
We apply our statistically deterministic machine learning/clustering algorithm *K-means (recently developed in to 10,656 published exome samples for 32 cancer types....
View ArticleNash equilibria for game contingent claims with utility-based hedging....
Game contingent claims (GCCs) generalize American contingent claims by allowing the writer to recall the option as long as it is not exercised, at the price of paying some penalty. In incomplete...
View ArticleA hydrodynamic model for cooperating solidary countries. (arXiv:1707.09203v1...
The goal of international trade theories is to explain the exchange of goods and services between different countries, aiming to benefit from it. Albeit the idea is very simple and known since ancient...
View ArticleOn Biased Correlation Estimation. (arXiv:1707.09037v1 [q-fin.ST])
In general, underestimation of risk is something which should be avoided as far as possible. Especially in financial asset management, equity risk is typically characterized by the measure of portfolio...
View ArticleThe Landscape of US Generic Prescription Drug Markets, 2004-2016 -- by Ernst...
Since the 1984 passage of the Waxman-Hatch Act, generic prescription drugs have become central to disease treatment and generic drug entry and price competition has been vigorous in the U.S....
View ArticleWhen Demand Increases Cause Shakeouts -- by Thomas N. Hubbard, Michael J. Mazzeo
Standard economic models that guide competition policy imply that demand increases should lead to more, not fewer firms. However, Sutton's (1991) model illustrates that in some cases, demand increases...
View ArticleUsing Goals to Motivate College Students: Theory and Evidence from Field...
Will college students who set goals for themselves work harder and achieve better outcomes? In theory, setting goals can help present-biased students to mitigate their self-control problem. In...
View ArticleMulti Product Firms, Import Competition, and the Evolution of Firm-product...
We study how increased import competition affects the evolution of firm-product technical efficiencies in the small open economy of Belgium. We observe quarterly firm-product data at the 8-digit level...
View ArticleHours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes -- by...
We document a robust negative relationship between the log of mean annual hours in an occupation and the standard deviation of log annual hours within that occupation. We develop a unified model of...
View ArticleGender: An Historical Perspective -- by Paola Giuliano
Social attitudes toward women vary significantly across societies. This chapter reviews recent empirical research on various historical determinants of contemporary differences in gender roles and...
View ArticleThe Impacts of Reduced Access to Abortion and Family Planning Services:...
Between 2011 and 2014, Texas enacted three pieces of legislation that significantly reduced funding for family planning services and increased restrictions on abortion clinic operations. Together this...
View ArticleIt's a Cruel Summer: Household Responses to Reductions in Government...
The appropriate size and scope of government nutrition assistance programs is a regular source of debate among policy-makers, and with calls to reduce government benefits, a clear understanding of...
View ArticleThe Taxation of Recreational Marijuana: Evidence from Washington State -- by...
The median United States voter supports the legalization of marijuana, at least in part due to a desire to increase state tax revenues. However, states with legal markets have implemented wildly...
View ArticleTax Audits as Scarecrows: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment -- by...
According to the canonical model of Allingham and Sandmo (1972), firms evade taxes by making a trade-off between a lower tax burden and higher expected penalties. However, there is still no consensus...
View ArticleExporting and Organizational Change -- by Lorenzo Caliendo, Ferdinando Monte,...
We study the effect of exporting on the organization of production within firms. Using French employer-employee matched data together with data on a firm's exporting activity, we find that firms that...
View ArticleContagion During the Initial Banking Panic of the Great Depression -- by Erik...
The initial banking crisis of the Great Depression has been the subject of debate. Some scholars believe a contagious panic spread among financial institutions. Others argue that suspensions surged...
View ArticleThe Effects of U.S. Monetary Policy on Emerging Market Economies' Sovereign...
We analyze the effect of the US Federal Reserve's monetary policy on EME sovereign and corporate bond markets by focusing on two dimensions: the evolution of the structure (size and currency...
View ArticleDisclosure Rules and Declared Essential Patents -- by Rudi Bekkers, Christian...
Many standard setting organizations (SSOs) require participants to disclose patents that might be infringed by implementing a proposed standard, and commit to license their "essential" patents on terms...
View ArticleConsumption and Income Inequality in the U.S. Since the 1960s -- by Bruce D....
Official income inequality statistics indicate a sharp rise in inequality over the past five decades. These statistics do not accurately reflect inequality because income is poorly measured,...
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