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Q&A: The Impact of Fiscal Stimulus

What are the possible impacts from the ballooning Federal Reserve balance sheet? Will this necessarily lead to an inflationary environment? Is deflation a possibility? Are there any charts or figures...

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Q&A: Avoid Firms in Trouble?

It seems obvious now that firms facing extreme financial difficulty should be avoided. EFF: This is a market efficiency question. If firms facing extreme financial difficulty are properly priced to...

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Q&A: Expected Return in a Bad Economy

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Q&A: Expected Return and Stimulus Efforts

What can we say about expected return if we do not think the stimulus plan can have positive impact on the economy? EFF/KRF: The recent sharp decline in prices suggests that the market does not think...

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Q&A: Hedging Inflation with Bonds

Is cash (that is, short-term riskless bonds) a safe investment if we think about future consumption and not about nominal dollars? EFF/KRF: Short-term high grade bonds are a good hedge against...

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Q&A: Stock Returns Under Socialism

Newsweek recently proclaimed "we are all socialists now". How has government intervention changed expected stock returns? EFF/KRF: Government intervention affects the market in two ways. First, it...

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Q&A: Capitalism Under Obama

Some political commentators argue that Obama's economic policies are our path to ruin. Is capitalism really threatened by our recent political decisions? EFF/KRF: Even in good times, economic systems...

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Q&A: Bailout Banks at All Costs?

Some think the exposures associated with credit derivatives are so extreme that the failure of one or two large financial institutions will ruin the nation. Could the use—or abuse—of credit default...

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Q&A: The First Global Recession?

Some have suggested this downturn is different because it is affecting the entire planet, not just a country or region, so previous downturns don't necessarily compare. Given the state of the world...

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Q&A: Diversification's Role Today

Is diversification working today, when we need it most? EFF/KRF: When overall market volatility increases, idiosyncratic (security-specific) volatility also tends to increase. For example, market...

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Q&A: Derivatives in an Efficient Market

What is the role of various derivatives instruments in maintaining an efficient market? EFF: Theoretically, derivatives increase the range of bets people can make, and this should help to wipe out...

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Q&A: Confidence in the Bell Curve

It would be very enlightening if you would comment on the Nassim Nicholas Taleb ("The Black Swan") attack on the use of Gaussian (normal bell curve) mathematics as the foundation of finance. As you may...

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Q&A: Thoughts on Mark-to-Market

What do you think of the mark to market issue? EFF: It gives investors a good estimate of what a financial institution is worth. It has more flexibility than commonly realized, especially for illiquid...

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Q&A: Inverted Yield Curves

I have a client who is convinced that an inverted yield curve is a signal to get out of equities. What are your thoughts on this topic? EFF/KRF: Inverted yield curves are often observed at the front...

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Q&A: When Market Timers Succeed

Recently, I've heard some say "I got out of the market in May 2008 and I am sure glad I did." Given the obviously positive results of this decision, what is the best argument to convince people that...

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Q&A: Challenging S&P 500 Earnings

Recently, Professor Jeremy Siegel has challenged the method of calculating earnings for the S&P 500. He believes the calculation should be market weighted, as is the index. Standards and Poor's...

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Q&A: Foregoing Future Expected Returns?

A recent change to a client's life needs would normally warrant a reduction in portfolio risk. In doing so immediately, he would forego future expected returns that he paid so dearly for in the last...

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Q&A: An Optimal Allocation?

I represent an endowment of about $30 million. In public equities we have most of our investments in market-wide mutual funds. What mix would you recommend between domestic, international and emerging...

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Q&A: How True is "Too Big to Fail?"

Is there such a thing as systemic risk in the financial system? Are some of our banking institutions truly "too big to fail?" EFF: The term "systemic risk" is less than 20 years old. It has become a...

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Q&A: Commodity Exposure through Stocks?

How can investors achieve exposure to commodities by investing in stocks? (Read the full entry)

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